
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Penutbutter Rice Krispie Treats

Alright I don't know how many of you have noticed that my mom, Cynthia, hasn't posted on this blog for a long time, over a month. I have decided to post on this blog because she has not poseted for a while and I want to see how long it takes her till she realizes that I posted on her blog. On the other hand my mom does an awesome job on keeping up with her other blog, check it out here.
Okay so everybody likes rice Krispie treats, even the worlds pickiest eater, Harrison. I take that back, he doesn't like marshmallow rice krispie treats he only likes peanut butter rice krispie treats. so here is how you make PEANUT BUTTER rice krispie treats...

1 cup white Karo syrup
1 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons butter
1 cup peanut butter
5 cups Rice Krispies

Bring syrup, butter, and sugar to a slow boil. Stir in peanut butter. Remove from heat and add Rice Krispies. Use tablespoon to drop onto wax paper. Treats will harden as they cool.

this is easy to make, kinda.

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